Privacy Policy
Privacy Policy
IE Alexei Bugaev built Vistalio app as a Commercial app.
What information does the Application obtain and how is it used?
What information does the Application obtain and how is it used?
The Application does not provide an option to create an account therefore, we do not store nor have access to your entries and data. Your data are stored only locally on your device.
We obtain your email address when you request support via email or customer support contact form. We use your email only to contact you to provide support, feedback or important information.
We obtain your name, city, phone number and e-mail address when you request a quote for the cost of printing a photo album.
Our application uses AppMetrica for collecting some anonymized usage data that are essential for us to deliver our services, to understand your needs, and to improve our services. Such as app launches, taps, clicks, scrolling information, in-app purchases, screen visits, session durations, or other information about how users interact with our app. These data are fully anonymized and aggregated and thus not linked to any particular user. The application may also collect crashes and performance reports so we can improve the stability and performance of our app.
The application does NOT collect any user-generated content. Such as your name, surname, email, photos, or anything you type within the app. Your entries and memories are truly private and fully under your control.
Your photos are stored locally on your phone in our app's storage. We have no access to your photos.
Third-party services
We use the following third-party services for our apps:
Google Analytics for Firebase
This service helps us to collect and analyze usage data in order to understand usage patterns and to improve our app. Data collected: various usage and device data such as cookies, unique device identifiers, Android Advertising ID, Firebase installation IDs, Analytics App Instance IDs, usage data, anonymized IP addresses, session durations, device models, operating systems, geography, in-app purchases, first launches, app opens, app updates. Data retention: 2 months
Firebase Crashlytics
This service helps us to identify crashes and errors in our app. It helps us to improve the reliability and stability of our app. Data collected: Crashlytics Installation UUIDs, crash traces, device models, geography, operating systems. Data retention: 90 days
This service helps us to create deep links. The IP address is received and mapped to a region/city level. Launch time or battery levels may be received for fraud detection purposes/ For more information on how AppsFlyer processes your personal information please see AppsFlyer’s privacy policy:
We reserve the right, at our sole discretion, to modify or replace this Policy at any time. Any changes we may make to our privacy policy in the future will be posted on this page. You should check this page from time to time and take note of any changes.
Contact Us
If you have any questions regarding privacy while using the Application, or have questions about our practices, please contact us via email at

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